Life is too short to be anything but happy

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Balancing Act

Steps to balance it all

I live a very hectic and crazy life, and I love it. I always seem to function better when I am busy, but it does get overwhelming.        I have created a list that helps me keep life balanced.

1. Feel free to say no

        This is something I struggle with greatly. I want to do everything on my own. I am a people pleaser and don't want to let anyone down. But, I have to remember that people understand, and there are others out there that can do it instead!

2. Do what you love

     If you are going to give up your time and energy, why not love what you're doing? It's not always going to be this way, but why not strive for it. I always do my best work when I am passionate about the things I am doing. Look for opportunities that accomplish this goal.

3. Ask for help when you need it

    Help is OKAY! I am a complete control freak and, sometimes, believe no one will be able to do it as good as me. But, we all get overwhelmed and it is not realistic for us to do everything on our own. There will always be someone around that is willing to help. You just have to ask!

4. Make Lists

   Lists are my best friend. Nothing feels better then creating a list, and then being able to cross something off it. I make lists on my phone, on paper, in my planner, ect. Lists help you see and organize everything you have to do. And there's nothing better than checking off a completed task.

5. Know how to relax

     Relaxing? What's that? It is hard to take time for yourself. But, the most important thing is to listen to your body. I find myself pushing myself to the point of sickness because I choose to go, go, go. Take a bubble bath, read a book at the library, go shopping (my #1 choice). You will never regret taking time for yourself. 

Not everything on this list will work for everyone. It is all about what works for you and how you can fit it into your life. At time when you feel like your head might explode and you want to break down and cry from stress (it's not only me, right?), take a step back and breathe. 

What are your go-to methods to balance your life?
Let me know!

Friday, February 14, 2014


    December 1st, 2012 was the day my mom finally decided to move out. When I say finally, I mean finally. The two people fighting, arguing, yelling that had gone on for years and years would finally be separated. When the words came out, "we are getting divorced" a sense of relief came over me. People can sorry all they want, but it has always been a finally to me. 

Cameron, Ty, Bryce, and I in Chicago last summer
    I have a cool dad, growing up he was my favorite parent. I was such a daddy's girl, and wanted to do everything with him. Go to soccer practice, go hunting together, and have him take me to all the places I needed to go. My mom was gone a lot while I was in middle school. She worked long hours and it wasn't uncommon for me to go a day or two without seeing her. This made me more and more attached to my dad. Although I was mature for my age, my opinion on my mom was based off of how my dad acted. If my dad was mean, I was mean. I thought he couldn't do wrong. Many of my memories from childhood are my mom laying on the floor crying, or my dad storming out of my house and leaving for hours, or calling my grandma balling in the middle of the night because my parents were fighting and I didn't know what to do. 

My mom and I
    In November of my freshman year, my mom and I, along with my best friend and her mom, went on a cruise to Mexico to celebrate my 15th birthday. We arrived back from the vacation on Thanksgiving day and my eyes were finally opened. I treated my mom so horribly. I knew something needed to change. It wasn't my mom's fault the whole time, it was how my dad had been treating her. I know my mom isn't perfect, but she was not the one I should have been blaming this whole time. And at that moment I switched "sides". My dad has resented me ever since then. He doesn't support me in much, and I rarely go over to his house. I hope one day this will change, but for now this is how it has to be. The fighting hasn't stopped, and probably never will. But I am so thankful for being in a better environment ever since my parents have separated

Divorce sucks. But for some people it is a finally.