Life is too short to be anything but happy

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amazing Women

With mother's day coming up in a few weeks, I reflect on all the amazing women in my life. I am so blessed with hardworking and strong role models. 

My Mom
My Mom is SO amazing. She is an elementary school principal, and loves her job. She gives 110% to everything she does. She is almost done with her doctorete degree which is many years in the making! With balancing her job and being a single parent, it is crazy that she finds time to work out. She goes to workout class at 6 am and then will run at night. I desire to have the drive that she does. The best part is we are the same size in everything, so I get double the wardrobe. My mom truly is a SuperMom!

My Grammy is the best person in the world. (yes I may be slightly bias) She knows how to make everything better and always has the perfect things to say. Her kind nature makes you want to spend every moment you can with her. She has a heart of a giver and will do anything to make sure you are okay. My Grammy is so supportive in all the things I do in life. 

Jody is an incredible woman of Christ. She truly loves everyone. I am so lucky to have her as my second mother. She has great advice and really cares about everyone she comes in contact with. When I think of a great role model, I instantly think of Jody. I do not think I would be where I am without her and her affection towards me. Her attitude is always positive and on the bright side of life. 

Jody and I celebrating our birthday's, which are one day apart!

I am so undeserving of these three great women, and so many others!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


When I found out I wasn't going anywhere for spring break, I was upset. This would be my second year in a row staying at home. When I was growing up, I got to go somewhere every year. Who wants to stay in cold Michigan, especially after the winter we had? Not me. My friends are all headed on cruises, or to Florida, or even out of this country. But, I am stuck here. I asked myself, how is this fair?

                  Why are we so quick to compare our lives to others, when we have everything 
                                                       we need right in front of us?

This is not easy for me to apply to life. I am constantly thinking, "well they have such a happy family with two loving parents" or "she gets whatever she wants at the swipe of her parents credit card." I need to just be content and thankful for what I do have. Comparing our lives to others, will never help us accomplish our goals. We will be stuck and we will never be satisfied. 

“Do your own work well, and then you will have something to be proud of. But don’t compare yourself with others.” Galatians 6:4 (CEV)

Now break is almost over and I just got back from a run and am sitting on my deck enjoying the 50 degree temps., the bird chirping, and a great view of the lake. (Yes, I am going to work in an hour to work a 9 hour shift, but why let that spoil this moment.) I have gotten to go to a women's Christian conference, gotten my haircut, done a TON of shopping, and made money from working. 

Now matter how much you compare yourselves to others, you will NEVER have everything. It is not an easy thing to learn, and I am not even close to grasping it. Don't let envy ruin your happiness.